Kunst Macht Spass
Mail Art Action
We are going to send your postcard and we still need your contribution, now!
We invite you to take part in person or online:
Come to Treptow Ateliers and fill out the postcards.
Send your drawing or image to kms.mailart@gmail.com it will be printed on the postcard and be sent.
Kunst Macht Spass - Mail Art Action
is based on an idea of Matteo Peterlini
for Kunst Macht Spass by Treptow Atelier
According to the recent news from the house management we have to move out from our studios in Oberschöneweide by the end of 2022. We would like to give here a brief historical description of the facts and outline the motivation that led us to create a Mail Art Action initiative.
2012 - 2019
2020 - 2021
May 2022
October 2022
Treptow Ateliers was founded in 2012 at its first location in Mörikestraße, Berlin-Treptow. We are a group of international artists, with an interdisciplinary practice, who foster the exchange of ideas and knowledge, while still maintaining the individuality of artistic expression. Treptow Ateliers activities and network have developed intensely over the years. Our space hosts ateliers, exhibitions and community gatherings.
At the end of 2019, the landlord ended the contract, to tear down the building. We founded a nonprofit association and conducted a tireless research to find a new space to accommodate us, ending up in the current location of Wilhelminenhofstraße 83-85, in Berlin Oberschöneweide. Also in this new location our stay is limited, as the owner plans to renovate the building. (1)
Continuing the intensive research, we located a building in Wilhelminenhofstraße 90A, a large former school, which has been vacant for 15 years and is owned by the city. We wrote a feasibility project for the use of this building involving an agreement with a bank to fund it. The proposal has been submitted to the Berlin state, but hasn’t so far received any feedback. (2)
At the beginning of 2022 Treptow Ateliers artists sent an open letter to culture senator Klaus Lederer. This letter received no response as well, despite the administration declaring openness and willingness to bridge the needs of its citizens. (3)
In May 2022 we organized an outdoor event in front of the identified building. The action had the character of a happening, thematizing the need for affordable working space for artists in the city of Berlin, with the intention to inform and involve the passers-by. A Mail Art project was also launched on this occasion, involving postcards carrying the outlined image of the building, with blank space to be filled freely by anyone willing to. The postcard offers a space for expression as the building would offer such to the users, if only an agreement could be found with its owner and administrators. The postcards have one single receiver: the present culture senator of Berlin, to whom we already addressed our open letter.(4)
The house management communicate us that we have to move out from our studios in Oberschöneweide by the end of 2022.