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AutorenbildTreptow Ateliers


Artist: Hanna Hildebrand

Opening: Friday 20/8, 18:00

Duration: 21-22/8, 15:00-21:00

This upcoming weekend (21,22/8) in the Rathenau Hallen, where the Treptow Ateliers are currently located, Hanna Hildebrand will present the state of her ongoing research project "Straße", in which she explores the area of Oberschöneweide. Rathenau Hallen are part of an historically important industrial complex, which were integral to the societal dramas of the 20th century. Signs of these times are still very present and they are intertwined with the recent urban development. The dense history of the area, offers many points of departure to explore, from the well know figures and industries of the area to the everyday realities over time. Hildebrand’s work takes its basis in everyday life, often from the position of documenting, and moves into the realm of the imaginary, through the use of diverse medias and storytelling. The artist extends an open invitation for this weekend to join in conversation over refreshments.


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